What Animal is Digging Holes in My Yard at Night?

tlwdotcom-The Land World
7 min readNov 18, 2021


Holes in the lawn may indicate that you have pests that need to be controlled, especially if you are sure that your dog is not digging. Small holes in the lawn overnight can make your yard look ugly and damaged. Holes in the lawn may be caused by rodents (such as moles, gophers, voles, and mice) or pests (such as ground wasps and birds that feed on these insects). To fill the hole in the yard, first determine and control the cause, and then plug the hole with a mixture of topsoil and compost or sand. However, it will depend on what animal is digging holes in my yard at night. The caves can be of different sizes, usually small holes for insects and large holes for large rodents. To solve this problem, it is important to first determine the specific cause and apply the appropriate fix according to the suggestions below.

What animal is digging holes in my yard at night?

Your grass never sleeps. It uses the energy gained during the day to grow at night. Unfortunately, there are many pests that do not sleep at night. The small holes in the lawn that seemed to emerge from nowhere overnight were probably caused by small animals or insects. Many insects will burrow in your lawn because they change from larvae to adults and burrow to the surface of your yard. Animals often dig holes in your garden looking for insects or worms to eat. Here are some common causes of small holes in lawn overnight.


One of the most common causes of small holes in lawn overnight when the garden wakes up is Japanese beetles. These pesky insects lay eggs in the soil and then hatch into larvae. These larvae appear on the ground in autumn and winter, where they grow and mature. In the spring, the larvae will begin to turn into beetles and dig to the surface. This process usually happens overnight, and you will notice holes in your lawn. Larvae can also damage your lawn because they feed on grass roots. Infecting Japanese beetles is a nightmare for every gardener. The larvae will attract birds, raccoons and even armadillos and other animals into your garden in search of fast food. They will have to dig holes in your lawn to find the larvae. You may need to use insecticides to destroy Japanese beetles and their larvae, especially when they are present in large numbers and are destroying your grass.


Worms are another common cause of small holes in lawn overnight. Worms form tunnels in the soil, which may be obvious, especially if the ground is wet. Earthworms are vital to the health of the soil, because they help the soil to ventilate. They also mix nutrients and water through the soil. Worms are more active in spring, and you may find that birds come to your garden to eat worms. Worms can also create a bumpy appearance on your lawn. It is best not to worry about holes created by worms, as they are usually very small. Don’t try to eliminate earthworms, because they are very beneficial to the health of the soil and lawn.


There are two types of wasps that make holes in the lawn. Scoliid wasps search for larvae in the soil by digging holes. Once they find a grub, they kill it and lay their eggs on the grub. When young wasps hatch, they have a source of food. The cicada -killer wasp also digs holes in the lawn when foraging. They dig holes about an inch wide and then drag their prey to the surface. These types of wasps are most common in lawns with short grasses. Don’t cut the grass too short, otherwise you are more likely to encounter the cicada-killer wasp problem.


Birds feed on worms, insects and larvae living in the soil. Larger birds sometimes damage your lawn when searching for food. Birds are good for your yard because they help control insect populations, and in most cases, they will only leave very small holes that shouldn’t be a problem.


Moles live in large holes and tunnels underground, looking for insects, worms and larvae to eat. Holes formed by moles are usually very large, with mounds on top. Moles can severely damage your lawn and are difficult to remove. You may like to use mole traps to get rid of these animals. Or you can try to use castor oil to repel these creatures.


Rodents such as rats and mice may dig a hole in your lawn because they feed on insects. They may also eat plants such as grass, fruits and vegetables, which may be a problem if you grow food in the yard. Rodents will also urinate on your lawn, which can cause problems. Although one or two rodents are unlikely to harm your yard, infestation will be a problem. Controlling rodents can be challenging, so it is best to consult a pest control expert. You may also want to consider raising a cat to help control the rodent population.

Squirrels And Chipmunks

Squirrels and chipmunks often burrow in the ground to bury food or find prey. Squirrels are the worse culprit because they are more likely to dig a larger hole and affect your lawn. If you have questions about squirrels or chipmunks in your yard, it is best to consult a wildlife and pest expert.


Dogs often dig holes in the yard. If the dog is bored or alone for a long time, digging is usually a destructive behavior. They do this for fun, or if they can smell the soil. Dogs can dig large holes and need to fill in soil; you also need to plant new grass to improve the appearance of the lawn. Dogs can also leave spots from nitrogen-rich urine, which is why dog urine can kill your grass. If no measures are taken to fill them, the holes in the lawn will be ugly. The grass around the hole may be difficult to survive and turn yellow. Holes can even cause other problems; they can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes or cause drainage problems. If there are any holes in your lawn overnight, it is best to investigate the cause and take steps to solve the problem.

How to stop animals from digging holes in lawn?

There are some tips and tricks to keep skunks and other animals away from your yard so you can regain a beautiful green lawn, including:

Eliminate food sources around your property. Take measures to remove larvae in the yard to limit this food source that attracts a variety of animal pests. Seal the trash can or store it in the garage. Finally, make sure to bring all pet food and water bowls indoors at night, or empty them before going to bed.

Erect a good fence around the entire perimeter of your yard and check it regularly to make sure that the animals are not digging holes under it to create access for themselves and other small animals.

If you have a vegetable garden, or if you have trees or other plants that produce fruits or nuts, keep the ground free of any falling food, which may attract animals such as skunks and raccoons to your yard.

Strong light can be used as an effective skunk repellent at night, because these animals are nocturnal, and mostly in the dark.

If you want your lawn to look as good as possible, you might like our guide on weeds that look like grass. Eliminating them can really light up your yard. I wish you luck in repairing the hole in lawn.

Originally published at https://www.tlw.com.

