calatheaCalathea Plant Types, the Most Beautiful Low-light Calathea Types

tlwdotcom-The Land World
6 min readNov 2, 2021

There are many plants used for indoor decoration and indoor landscaping purposes. No matter what your office needs, one plant you might want to consider for an office or commercial property is the calathea plant. Here are some details you need to know when determining if those calathea plant types are right for you.

Calathea, also known as “the Prayer Plant family” (the Prayer Plant family), was named after the 16th century Venetian botanist Bartolommeo Maranti. The name of the Calathea plant genus comes from the Latin calathus, which means “basket”. This is a reference to the fact that the flowers of a plant are similar to flowers in a basket. It is native to tropical America, Mexico, Brazil and other places. The Calathea has the ability to withstand high temperatures under hot climate conditions. Its leaves will show different growth states in the morning and noon; the leaves grow at a 45-degree angle in the morning, and as the temperature rises to noon. It will move in a vertical state, and the leaves will naturally overlap to reduce sunlight exposure. The silver-white wax on the back of the leaves helps to reflect the sun and resist the hot summer, thereby reducing the evaporation of water. Calathea plant is a popular plant used for indoor office decoration purposes. It is also often used in homes and businesses. It is a plant that likes indirect lighting, which means it is very suitable for indoor use and office buildings. Calathea plants are popular for indoor use because they are usually easy to care for and look great, providing bright greenery to enliven indoor spaces.

What are the populat calathea types or calathea plant types?

This member of the Marantaceae family is also called a rattlesnake plant because of its striking patterns. The leaves are long and narrow, with folds on the edges, which are unique to this Calathea species. They are bright green, with alternating dark green markings on each leaf. The underside of the leaves is purple. Of course, they are also folded at night like prayer plants.

2. Calathea Ornata

Calathea Ornata (also known as Calathea Pinstripe or Pinstripe plant) is a beautiful plant with pink stripes on its large green leaves. It is beautiful, but it can be a picky plant and sometimes difficult to care for. We all know that someone has been working hard to keep Calathea healthy, let alone alive. So, through this guide, we will introduce what you can do to keep these amazing but stubborn tropical plants healthy.

3. Calathea Roseopicta

Calathea Roseopicta’s bright rose trays with patterned leaves are very popular-but there is a problem. Calatheas usually deserve their picky reputation, and the lovely Roseopicta is one of the most serious criminals. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about Calathea roseopicta care to keep your plants healthy and beautiful.

4. Calathea Makoyana

Calathea Makoyana, commonly known as the peacock plant, has wavy green leaves with dark green strokes on the top and dark purple underneath. If taken care of properly, it can grow up to two feet tall.

5. Calathea Zebra

Calathea Zebrina is also known as Calathea Zebra. As the name suggests, this variety has striped leaves. The color of the base leaf is almost black purple, and the stripes are bright green. The stem of this plant is also green. The best light setting for this variety is filtered sunlight.

6. Calathea Medallion

The Calathea Medallion (Calathea veitchiana) is a favorite among indoor plant lovers. Their leaves fold up slightly at night as if they are praying-sometimes causing them to be mistaken for prayer plants. They are “low-light” tropical plants that can illuminate dark corners.

7. Calathea Orbifolia

Calathea Orbifolia is also called Round Leaf Calathea. This type of Calathea leaves are 8 inches to 12 inches wide and have distinctive light green and cream stripes.

Calathea Concinna is called Calathea Freddie and is a tropical plant native to Brazil. This is one of the prayer plants Calatheas, they spread their leaves with the sunrise to absorb sunlight. At night, the plant retracts the peeled leaves to obtain a peaceful night.

9. Calathea Warscewiczii

Calathea Warscewiczii comes from the jungles of Nicaragua and Costa Rica and is also called jungle velvet. The plant has spear-shaped, dark green, velvety leaves with lighter leaf patterns. Humidity is particularly important for this kind of plants, and humidifiers are recommended.

Caring notes for Calathea plant types

* Indirect light: Calathea plants need bright but not direct sunlight to grow. This is because they grow on the ground of jungles and forests, where they get limited light through the tops of trees. In fact, direct sunlight can burn the leaves of Calathea plants and make them lose their vivid colors.

* Limited water: Use distilled water or water purified in some way to water Calathea plants. Calathea likes moist soil or planting material, but not moist. They don’t want a lot of water because it will drown them. When you water the Calathea plant, don’t water it too much, lest the plant end up sitting in standing water.

* Temperature: Calathea plants don’t like cold very much. They come from the tropical regions of the world and like the temperature between 65–80 degrees. Temperatures above and below this temperature can cause damage to plants, first manifested in the curling of leaves.

* Humidity: Also due to where they grow naturally, Calathea tends to prefer humid areas. They can absorb moisture from the air through the broad green leaves that are common to plants.

* Fertilizers: Calathea does not need to be fertilized in large quantities, but in spring, summer and autumn, they will bloom and be used in conjunction with standard houseplant fertilizers. They especially require fertilization during growth and flowering.

* Pruning: The good news about Calathea is that it does not require pruning except to remove brown or yellow leaves.

Calathea plant grows vigorously and is very resistant to negatives. It is like a work of art when placed at home. As a foliage plant, its leaves really live up to expectations, and they grow brighter and more beautiful than flowers. Whether it is placed at home or in the office, it is like a decorative painting, which can instantly improve the quality of the environment.

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